Wunjo Rune – Norse Runes Examined in Depth
Wunjo – The 8th Rune

Wunjo: The Look and Sound
The wunjo rune is one of the most popular runes in the Elder Futhark set. It is associated with joy, comfort, and pleasure, and is often used in spellwork and rituals focused on bring happiness and positive emotion into one’s life. The wunjo rune can also be used for protection against negativity and warding off evil spirits. In some traditions, the wunjo rune is also said to represent the sacred feminine principle. When interpreted in this way, the wunjo rune can be used for workings related to fertility, childbirth, and female empowerment. Whatever its meaning or interpretation, the wunjo rune is a powerful symbol that can be used in a variety of ways in magic and ritual.

The Tullstorp Runestone in Sweden
History and Usage
The wunjo rune is one of the 24 runes that make up the Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the runic alphabet. The wunjo rune is thought to represent joy, comfort, and delight, and it is often used in divination and magic workings related to happiness, contentment, and emotional fulfilment. The wunjo rune is also associated with Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. In some interpretations of the rune, the wunjo is also seen as a symbol of success, indicating that your efforts will be rewarded. Regardless of its specific meaning, the wunjo rune is a powerful symbol of positivity and happiness.

9th Century Carved Doorway
Legacy in Language
The wunjo rune is one of the most commonly used runes in modern day witchcraft and paganism. Its origins can be traced back to the Viking Age, when it was used as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Today, the wunjo rune is still associated with these concepts, but it also has additional meanings. For example, some believe that the wunjo rune represents the loving bond between friends or family members. Others see it as a symbol of hope and joy, or as a reminder that all things must come to an end. No matter how it is interpreted, the wunjo rune is a powerful symbol with a long and rich history.

Wunjo Runestone for Modern Runology and Mysticism