How do you pronounce Mjolnir?
Mjolnir is pronounced phonetically as “me-ull-near” with emphasis on the “ull”, not the “near”.
What is Mjolnir?
Thor’s hammer
Mjolnir is the name given to the Norse Aesir God Thor’s main weapon; his short-handled masonry hammer. It is said to fly from Thor’s hand with the speed and force of lightning, never missing its target and making the sound of a thunderclap when it hits, before returning to Thor’s hand through the magic of his enchanted gauntlets, the Jarngripr (iron grips).
Thors Hammers Name?
Mjolnir is the name of Thor’s main weapon, his hammer.
Mjolnir, Thors Hammer in Norse Mythology
Name and Appearance of Mjolnir
The earliest written mention of Mjolnir in Norse Mythology comes from a poem enscribed on the Kvinneby amulet from the early 11th century, where it is invoked as a protection symbol. It is described in the Skaldskaparmal as a normal blacksmithing or masonry hammer with a shortened handle, caused when Loki, in the form of a mosquito, bit the dwarf Brokk as he was forging it.
Creation of Mjolnir
According to the poem Skaldskaparmal, Mjolnir was made using a special technique known as “pulsing.” By striking the metal with a hammer and then cooling it in water, Sindri was able to create a metal that was both incredibly strong and flexible. This is what allowed Mjolnir to retain its shape after being thrown, as well as rebound when it hit something. In addition to its unique composition, Mjolnir also featured a number of other mystical properties. It was said to be so light that Thor could wield it with one hand, yet so powerful that it could level mountains. It could also summon lightning from the sky and open the doors to Asgard.
Other Mentions of Mjolnir
In Norse mythology, Mjolnir is the hammer of Thor, the god of thunder. Mjolnir is first mentioned in the Prose Edda, a collection of Norse myths and legends written in the 13th century. In the Prose Edda, Mjolnir is described as a powerful tool that can crush mountains and destroy enemies. However, it is also said to be a source of great strength for those who wield it. In the Poetic Edda, Mjolnir is featured prominently in a number of poems about Thor and his adventures. In one poem, Thor even uses Mjolnir to kill a giant by crushing his head. While Mjolnir is most commonly associated with Thor, it is also said to have been used by other gods and heroes in Norse mythology. Regardless of who used it, however, Mjolnir was always a symbol of power and strength.
Mjolnir Through History
Mjolnir is one of the most famous weapons in history. For centuries, it has been associated with Thor, the Norse god of thunder. In legend, Thor wielded Mjolnir to protect Asgard from its enemies. The weapon was said to be so powerful that it could level mountains and crush giants. Today, Mjolnir is best known as the hammer that Marvel’s superhero Thor uses to fight evil. But the origins of Mjolnir go back much further than the comic books. In fact, the weapon has its roots in ancient Norse mythology.
Mjolnir as the Thunder God Symbol
Possibly centuries before Mjolnir had a name, a shortened masonry hammer was the weapon of choice for Thor, the Aesir god of thunder and war. Mjolnir is one of the defining qualities that separate Thor from other ancient nordic thunder deities, for example, the earlier Finnish storm deity Ukko wielded an axe, as did the later Slavic god Perun, who was an amalgamation of Thor, Odin, and Tyr. The symbolism of thunder likened to the striking of a mighty hammer is powerful and enduring.
Mjolnir Amulet Necklaces

The Claes Kurck Skane Hammer
13th century Mjolnir amulets have been found in a number of Norse burial sites. These amulets were often worn as a sign of faith and protection. The Mjolnir, or hammer of Thor, was a powerful symbol in Norse mythology. It was said to be able to crush mountains and deflect lightning. As such, it was seen as a potent weapon against the forces of evil. The Mjolnir amulet would have been a welcome addition to any warrior’s arsenal. In addition to providing protection from harm, it also served as a reminder of the power of the gods. For those who wore it, the Mjolnir amulet was a constant reminder of the strength of their faith.
Ancient Artefacts and Writings of Mjolnir

The Kvinneby Amulet
The Kvinneby amulet is a square copper plate found in the village of Kvinneby, Sweden. The pendant is about 3 centimeters in diameter. It was discovered in 1936 by a farmer, who found it while plowing his field. The amulet is believed to date back to the Viking Age, and it is thought to have been used as a protection against evil spirits. The Mjolnir poem on the pendant is significant, as Mjolnir was the weapon of Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Thor was known for his strength and his ability to protect those who were under his care. The Kvinneby amulet would have given the wearer the strength and protection of Thor. Today, the amulet is on display at the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm.
Most mentions of Mjolnir in ancient literature occur in the Prose Edda. The Prose Edda is a 13th century Icelandic book of mythology that contains many of the tales surrounding Norse gods and heroes. One of these heroes is Thor, the god of thunder, who is best known for his hammer, Mjolnir. In one story, Thor travels to the land of the giants in order to retrieve his hammer from their leader, Thrym. Thrym demands that Freya, the goddess of love, be given to him in exchange for Mjolnir. However, Freya is already promised to another. Instead, Thor dresses up as Freya and goes to the wedding in her place. Once he has his hammer back, he quickly dispatches of the giant groom and all his guests. The Prose Edda is full of stories like this that showcase the skill and strength of Thor – making it essential reading for anyone interested in Norse mythology.
Mjolnir in Classic Art and Literature

Marten Eskil Winge’s Thor’s Fight with the Giants (1872)
Thor is a popular figure in classical paintings, often depicted with his hammer, Mjolnir. Thor was the god of thunder and storms in Norse mythology and was one of the most powerful gods. He was known for his strength and courage, and he was often portrayed as a large, muscular man. Thor was said to be able to shoot lightning from his hammer and to fly through the air on his chariot pulled by two goats. He was a popular figure in ancient art, and many famous paintings depict him in action. Some of these include The Battle of Thor against the Jotunn by Peter Nicolai Arbo, Thor’s Fight with the Giants by Mårten Eskil Winge.
Mjolnir in Modern Mysticism

A modern steel Mjolnir talisman
Modern pagan mysticism is a relatively new phenomenon, centered around the worship of ancient Norse gods. One of the most prevalent gods in this pantheon is Thor, god of thunder and protector of humanity. His weapon of choice is Mjolnir, a powerful hammer that can control the weather and strike down enemies. followers of Thor often wear Mjolnir pendants as a sign of their devotion. Other popular Norse gods include Odin, god of wisdom and war, and Freya, goddess of love and beauty. Modern pagans believe that these deities can still influence the world today, and they often call upon them for guidance or protection. While some people view paganism as a backwards or primitive belief system, modern pagans see it as a way to connect with the natural world and tap into ancient wisdom.
Mjolnir in Popular Culture
Thor: Love and Thunder MJOLNIR Popcorn Container
Mjolnir is a popular culture icon that has been featured in many films, television shows, video games, and comics. Mjolnir first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1962 and has since become one of the most recognizable symbols of the Marvel Universe. The Mjolnir hammer is often associated with Thor, the Norse god of thunder, but it has also been wielded by other characters in the Marvel Universe such as Captain America, Storm, and Beta Ray Bill. Mjolnir has also made appearances in non-Marvel properties such as The Simpsons, South Park, and Doctor Who. Mjolnir’s popularity is due to its unique symbolism and ability to invoke feelings of strength and power. Mjolnir is more than just a tool or weapon; it is a symbol of hope and justice that stands for the idea that good will always triumph over evil.

First appearance of Thor and Mjolnir in Marvel Comics, “Journey into Mystery no. 83” 1962
Mjolnir in Marvel Comics
Just as Thor is the God of Lightning, Mjolnir is the hammer of Thor. In Marvel comics, Mjolnir is a powerful Asgardian weapon that can only be wielded by those who are worthy. The hammer is also capable of flight and can return to its owner’s hand when thrown. First appearing in Journey into Mystery #83 in 1962, Mjolnir has been a iconic part of Thor’s powers ever since. Over the years, the hammer has been used by other Asgardians and even non-Asgardians, such as Captain America and Beta Ray Bill. However, its true power can only be unleashed by those who are deemed worthy by Odin. As such, Mjolnir remains one of the most powerful weapons in the Marvel Universe.

Male and Female Mjolnir Armor
Mjolnir Armor in Halo
The Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor is a highly advanced protective suit used by the Spartans of the UNSC Navy’s Special Weaponry Division, more commonly known as the Spartan IIs. The suit is designed to enhance the wearer’s strength, speed, agility, and endurance, as well as provide significant resistance to small arms fire and explosive damage. The Mjolnir armor is also equipped with an integrated Energy Shield that can deflect incoming enemy fire and protect the wearer from lethal blasts. The suit’s most iconic feature is its helmet, which features a visor that can be polarized to provide enhanced protection from bright light or blinding glare. master chief, the spartan ii super soldiers who fought in the human-covenant war while wearing Mjolnir armor, is perhaps the most famous user of the suit.
Other Mjolnir Mentions in Media
Mjolnir is one of the most iconic weapons in Norse mythology, and it has made appearances in a variety of video games over the years. In some games, such as God of War, Mjolnir is a powerful weapon that can be used to defeat enemies. In others, like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Mjolnir is more of a tool, allowing players to interact with the world around them. Regardless of its role in the game, Mjolnir always appears as a fearsome and powerful object. As such, it is no surprise that Mjolnir has been such a popular weapon in video games over the years. In addition, Mjolnir has also been featured on album covers and in music videos by a variety of different artists. The Norwegian black metal band Immortal has a song called “Mjollnir,” which features lyrics about the hammer’s power. As a result, Mjolnir has become a powerful symbol of strength and power in the world of music.
Mjolnir Frequently Asked Questions
What did Mjolnir mean?
“Mjolnir” means “shining lightning”
The word “Mjolnir” most accurately translates into “shining lightning” from ancient Baltic and Norse words for “lightning” and “white like new snow”, some historians substitute the similar sounding old Norse word for “grinding” to be the meaning behind Mjolnir.
Who can lift Thor’s Mjolnir?
Anyone considered “worthy”
Excluding the many versions of Thor himself, over 200 characters in Marvel Comics have wielded Mjolnir, noteworthy examples include Captain America, Red Hulk, Adam Warlock, Magneto, Beta Ray Bill, Carol Danvers, Jane Foster and Luke Cage. In the original Norse mythology, there is no specific charm that prevents someone from lifting Mjolnir, but it is said to have been so heavy that only Thor could easily wield it as a weapon, with 4 giants or the combined strength of his two sons Modi and Magni being required to even lift it in some writings.
Is Mjolnir an axe or a hammer?
Mjolnir is a hammer, not an axe
Mjolnir specifically refers to Thor’s hammer, both in myth and in Marvel Comics, though Thor does wield other weapons, including axes at times, Mjolnir is his main weapon.
What’s Thor’s axe called?
Thor’s axe is called Stormbreaker
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor’s axe is named “Stormbreaker”, but in the comics, Stormbreaker is actually the name of Beta Ray Bill’s uru hammer, and is very similar to Mjolnir. In Marvel Comics, Thor wields an uru axe called “Jarnbjorn” at times when he is unworthy of Mjolnir.
How old is Mjolnir?
65 million years old
In Marvel Comics, Mjolnir’s forging resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs on earth, since the star its uru was melted in exploded, sending the entire cast flying through space in the form of a giant meteor. This would make it at least 65 million years old, possibly much older depending on how long it took the meteor to reach earth after the destruction of the star. In Norse mythology, the first known example of Mjolnir’s name in writing is from the 11th century, though tales of the Norse thunder god wielding a hammer are centuries older.
How much does Mjolnir weigh?
Mjolnir weighs 42.3 lbs (19.2 kg)
According to an official “Thor’s Hammer” Marvel trading card issued in 1991, Mjolnir weighs precisely 42.3 pounds. Based on estimates of its size, this would make Uru approximately 2.13 grams per cubic centimeter, or around 25% lighter than aluminum.
How much does Mjolnir armor weigh?
1000 lbs (453.6 kg) when activated.
The Spartan-II Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor (the one worn by the Master Chief) weighs 1000 lbs (453.6 kg), it is one of the most protective and heaviest available, with most models being substantially lighter, but still several hundred pounds.
How heavy is Mjolnir in Norse mythology?
Unknown, at least as heavy as a large whale (30 to 150 metric tonnes)
The weight of Mjolnir in mythology is unknown, though it took 4 Jotun (giants) to pick up and steal Mjolnir, and both of Thor’s sons, Magni and Modi, had to combine their strength to lift it. Thor alone was shown to be able to lift and wield Mjolnir in battle. Other strength feats of Thor in Norse mythology include the lifting and throwing of a large whale when his servants (also Aesir gods) could not move it.
Who forged Mjolnir?
Both in mythology and Marvel Comics, Mjolnir was forged by the Dwarves Brokk and Eitri
In Marvel Comics, Odin assigned the forging of Mjolnir and many other uru weapons to the Dwarves of Nidavellir, a magical metal foundry built around a neutron star, in Norse Mythology, Loki conscripted the master Dwarf craftsmen Brokk (or Brokkr) and his brother Eitri to craft Mjolnir as an apology to Thor for cutting his wife Sif’s hair.
How much does Mjolnir armor cost?
Approximately 2 billion USD
Within the lore of Halo, an AI capable suit of Mjolnir armor costs the same as a fictional in-universe Destroyer class warship in the year 2531. Based on the average cost of a present-day Destroyer, Mjolnir armor would cost around 2 billion USD in modern currency.
What did Mjolnir look like?
Mjolnir looks like a normal hammer with a short handle
In Norse mythology, Mjolnir is said to resemble a masonry or blacksmithing hammer, with a half-length handle, proportionately. It can be assumed that the hammerhead is oversized, since the shorter shaft can still be gripped like a normal hammer.
Where was Mjolnir forged?
In both Norse mythology and Marvel Comics, Mjolnir was forged in Nidavellir. In Norse mythology, Nidavellir is the home of SIndri’s tribe of dwarf craftsmen, it may be one of the 9 realms, or simply a part of Svartalfheim (home of the dwarves or dark elves). In Marvel Comics, Nidavellir is an uru processing foundry surrounding a neutron star, a real cosmic phenomenon, one of the brightest and most energectic events in the universe.