Sowulo Rune – Norse Runes Examined in Depth
Sowulo – The 16th Rune

Sowulo: The Look and Sound
The sowulo rune is one of the twenty-four runes that make up the Elder Futhark, the oldest known Germanic alphabet. The sowulo rune is associated with the sun, and its name comes from the Old Norse word for “sun.” The sowulo rune is also associated with victory, honor, and success. In divination, the sowulo rune can represent good fortune, fulfillment of desires, and a positive outcome. When used in magic or ritual, the sowulo rune can help to increase strength, power, and energy. The sowulo rune is traditionally carved into amulets and talismans for protection, strength, and success.

Jelling Stone runes, including sowulo
History and Usage
The sowulo rune is one of the most important runes in Norse mythology. It represents the sun, and its name comes from the Old Norse word for “sun.” The sowulo rune is associated with victory, honor, and success. In Ragnarok, the sowulo rune was inscribed on the sword of Freyr, the god of sun and rain. This sword was used to kill the giant serpent Jormungandr, which represented chaos and destruction. The sowulo rune is also associated with Thor, the god of thunder. Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, was inscribed with the sowulo rune. This ensured that Thor would always have the power to defeat his enemies and protect Asgard, the realm of the gods. The sowulo rune is a powerful symbol of order and protection against chaos.

Ancient Swedish naming stone
Legacy in Language
The sowulo rune is a modern adaptation of an ancient Norse symbol. The original sowulo rune was used as a magical sign to invoke the sun god, and it was thought to bring strength, power, and success. The sowulo rune is also associated with victory, and it is often used as a symbol of triumph in modern times. The sowulo rune can be found on numerous flags and banners, as well as on the uniforms of sports teams and military units. It is also a popular tattoo design, and it is often seen in body art that celebrates strength and courage.

Modern clay runestones for divination