What is the Norse rune for protection?
When looking for a Rune for Protection, there is far more than one to choose from! As a warrior culture, that venerates an honourable death in battle above all else, it might seem strange at first that there are so many symbols, rituals and talismans meant to protect Vikings and other Norse warriors. However, with so many other hazards in life, hunger, the elements, being lost at sea, it makes sense that there are some very specific charms and runes to keep you fit and healthy in between battles, and even in battle, to ensure you last long enough to go down in a blaze of glory! A rune for protection is so fundamental, that they even formed an important part of the everyday written language of ancient Norse people; the Elder Futhark
There are many other rune meanings, to see them all, check out our Complete Elder Futhark Rune Guide
The Elder Futhark
What is the Elder Futhark?
The Elder Futhark is a rune alphabet that was used by the Germanic peoples of northern Europe, Scandinavia, and the British Isles during the Early Middle Ages. The name “Elder Futhark” comes from the first six runes of the alphabet: Fehu (F), Uruz (U), Thurisaz (TH), Ansuz (A), Raidho (R), and Kaunan (K), and can therefore be literally translated as “the old ABC’s”. These rune symbols were carved into wood or stone for use as magical amulets or talismans. Each rune had its own meaning and purpose, and some were believed to have special powers. At least 6 can be considered a dedicated rune for protection, these are Algiz, Eihwaz, Ehwaz, Inguz, Thurisaz, and Teiwaz. The Elder Futhark fell out of use after the Christianization of the Germanic peoples in the 11th century AD. However, it has been revived in recent years by people who are interested in paganism and Norse mythology.

1. Algiz
What does Algiz rune symbolize?
Algiz is a rune from the Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the runic alphabet. The name algiz comes from the Proto-Germanic word for elk, which was itself a symbol of protection. Algiz is classified as a protective rune, and its symbol is often interpreted as a elk or deer antler. In rune magic, algiz is used for protection and defense, and is sometimes carved into amulets and talismans for this purpose. It can also be used to invoke the help of higher powers, such as guardian angels. When used in spellwork, algiz can help to create an invisible shield of protection around the caster.

2. Eihwaz
What does Eihwaz rune symbolize?
Eihwaz is another rune for protection. It is a symbol of strength and stability, and can be used to ward off negative energy. The rune is also associated with the World Tree, which is a symbol of the universe. In Norse mythology, the World Tree was used as a bridge between the worlds of gods and mortals. Eihwaz represents the channel that connects us to the divine. The rune can be used to promote balance and harmony in our lives. When we are in alignment with Eihwaz, we are able to manifest our highest potential.

3. Ehwaz
What does Ehwaz rune symbolize?
Ehwaz is one of the most commonly used runes in Scandinavian countries, as it is believed to offer protection against a wide range of dangers. The rune’s name comes from the Old Norse word for “horse,” which is thought to represent the rune’s ability to provide strength and support in times of need. Ehwaz is also associated with the concepts of loyalty and friendship, making it a popular choice for tattoos and other forms of body art. In modern paganism, Ehwaz is often used as a symbol of protection during rituals and ceremonies.

4. Inguz
What does Inguz rune symbolize?
Inguz, also known as Ingvar, represents the letter ‘ng’ in the Elder Futhark. The name Inguz comes from the word ‘ingwi’, meaning ‘ancestor’. The rune was associated with fertility and protection, and was often used in fertility rituals. It was also thought to be a powerful rune for warding off evil spirits. Today, Inguz remains a popular symbol among pagans and rune diviners. It is often used as a rune for protection, and is said to bring peace, fertility, and new beginnings.

5. Thurisaz
What does Thurisaz rune symbolize?
Thurisaz is a rune that is often associated with protection. Its meaning can be traced back to the Old Norse word for “thorn,” which was used as a symbol of defense. In rune readings, Thurisaz is often seen as a sign that caution is needed. It can represent obstacles or challenges that must be overcome. However, it can also represent the strength and resilience that is needed to face these challenges. In times of trouble, rune readers may recommend drawing Thurisaz for strength and protection.

6. Teiwaz
What does Teiwaz rune symbolize?
Teiwaz is a rune that is often associated with protection. Its name comes from the Norse god Tyr, who was known for his bravery and honor. The rune is also linked to the concept of law and justice. As such, it is often used as a charm for legal proceedings or as a symbol of strength and courage. In divination, Teiwaz can indicate the need for justice or the need to take action on behalf of others. It can also be a sign that victory is near.
Other Norse Protection Runes
Aside from the Elder Futhark, which contains the most common and important, there are several other runes and symbols for protection. Often they’re a representation of a weapon or artefact of the gods, with a moral or tale connected to it that invokes protection in the one who wears or inscribes it on stones, weapons or clothing.

Ancient Thor’s Hammer (Mjolnir) Casting Mold
Mjolnir, meaning “lightning” and the name of Thor’s hammer, can also be represented in the rune for protection. A simplified inverted “T” shape is inscribed as a rune and was worn as a necklace by many Norse pagans during the era of Christianisation. It is a rune of power, strength, and fortitude. In Norse mythology, Mjolnir is the hammer of Thor, the God of Thunder. Thor’s hammer is said to be able to level mountains and crush giants. It is a symbol of Thor’s power and might. It is said to be able to protect its wearer from harm. Mjolnir is a powerful rune and it is said that it can help its wearer to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Vegvisir Painted on a Shield
The Vegvisir, also known as the Runic Compass or the Viking Compass, is a symbol of protection and guidance believed to be used by Vikings. The name Vegvisir means “sign post” or “way finder” in Icelandic, and it is thought to be a powerful rune that helps its bearer find their way through rough weather and dangerous terrain. The Vegvisir is made up of eight different rune staves, each with its own meaning and purpose. Together, they form a symbol of strength and protection that is perfect for anyone facing a challenging journey. Whether you’re looking for guidance in your personal life or you’re seeking inspiration for your next adventure, the Vegvisir can help you find your way.

The Helm of Awe (Aegishjalmur) in an Ancient Text
Aegishjalmur is a rune that is said to provide protection. The word itself comes from Old Norse and means “helm of awe” or “terror.” According to some sources, the rune was used as a symbol of protection by Vikings. It is said to create a barrier around the user that repels enemy attacks. Some people believe that the rune can also be used to summoned spirits or other supernatural beings. Aegishjalmur is often depicted as a spiral or maze-like symbol. It is sometimes used as a talisman or amulet and can be found in a variety of different jewelry and clothing items.

Bronze Sonnenrad Brooch
Sonnenrad is a rune that is said to offer protection. It is also known as the “sun spiral” referring to the daily cycle, a reassuring representation of there always being another day tomorrow, and is associated with the element of fire. Sonnenrad is often used in magic and ritual work involving the sun, fire, or heat. It can also be used for protection against enemies or forces that seek to harm you. In rune readings, Sonnenrad often indicates that you are surrounded by positive energy and that you have the strength to overcome any challenges that come your way.
Other Runes of Power
There are of course hundreds of other runes and symbols in Norse mythology and language about things other than protection. Every letter rune in the Elder Futhark has a special meaning. Below are a few of the most famous or striking symbols of power:

Ancient Yggdrasil Runestone
In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is the world tree. The name Yggdrasil comes from Old Norse and means “odd or treacherous horse.” Yggdrasil is an immense ash tree that stands at the center of the cosmos and connects the nine worlds. The gods go to Yggdrasil daily to hold their court. It is also home to an eagle, a squirrel, and a dragon. Each day, the squirrel runs up and down the length of the tree, carrying messages between the worlds. Underneath Yggdrasil’s roots is the well of Urd, where the Norns – The three sisters who spin the fate of men – live. Nearby is Mimir’s Well, a spring of knowledge. Anyone who drinks from it will become wise. Lastly, there is Hel, the world of death. It is guarded by a giant serpent who never sleeps. Yggdrasil is a symbol of strength, endurance, and wisdom.

Mural Depicting Odin, his Ravens and the Valknut
What is Odin’s rune? It’s the valknut, a symbol consisting of three interlocking triangles. It appears on a variety of Norse artefacts, including runestones and swords. The name “valknut” is derived from the Old Norse words valr, meaning “slain warrior,” and knut, meaning “knot.” The valknut is often associated with the god Odin, who is said to welcome brave warriors into his hall in Valhalla. In Norse mythology, Valhalla is a place where fallen heroes feast and fight in preparation for the final battle of Ragnarok. The valknut may also represent the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This interpretation is supported by the fact that the triangles point both upwards and downwards. As such, the valknut symbolizes the balance between opposing forces and the interconnectedness of all things.

Celtic Triskelion Medallion
The triskelion is an ancient symbol that has been used by a variety of cultures throughout history. The word itself comes from the Greek word for “three legs,” and the symbol typically consists of three interlocking spirals or curved lines. In some cases, the triskelion may also include three human figures or animal heads. The meaning of the triskelion varies depending on the culture, but it is often seen as a symbol of strength, power, and endurance. In Celtic mythology, for example, the triskelion is associated with the triple god known as the Morrighan. In Chinese culture, the triskelion is sometimes used as a symbol of good luck. No matter what its specific meaning may be, the triskelion is a fascinating and versatile symbol that continues to hold significance in many cultures around the world.

Carved Othilla Waystone
In Norse mythology, Othilla is the goddess of home and hearth. She represents the security and comfort that comes from having a safe, warm place to call home. Othilla is often depicted as a loving mother figure, providing shelter and protection for her family. Her name can be translated as “homestead” or “inheritance.” In some traditions, Othilla is also associated with fertility and abundance. She is often invoked by those seeking to start a new family or to improve their financial situation. Regardless of how she is worshipped, Othilla is a powerful goddess who brings strength, stability, and prosperity to her followers.