Othilla Rune – Norse Runes Examined in Depth
Othilla – The 23rd Rune

Othilla: The Look and Sound
The othilla rune is one of the most important runes in the Elder Futhark, and its meaning is closely associated with home and family. The word othilla comes from the Old English othol, meaning “ancestor,” and the rune is thought to represent the connectedness of all life. This connection is represented in the three points of the rune, which represent the past, present, and future. The othilla rune is also associated with protection and defense, as it is thought to help shield against negative influences. In divination, the othilla rune can indicate a need to focus on family and home life, or a desire to return to a simpler time. It can also suggest that you are being called to take on a protective role for someone in your life.

Othilla on the Thorsberg Chape (sword buckle)
History and Usage
The othilla rune is one of the most important runes in Norse heritage. It represents land and property, and is often used in rituals to bind someone to a specific piece of land. In some cases, the othilla rune is also used to symbolize the roots of a family tree, or the ancestral land that a person comes from. Regardless of its specific meaning, the othilla rune is always associated with a sense of home and belonging. For many people, it is a powerful reminder of their heritage and their connection to the past.

Left side of Franks Casket
Legacy in Language
The othilla rune is a modern adaptation of an ancient Germanic symbol. It is often associated with the concepts of home and hearth. In modern times, the othilla rune is often used as a symbol of protection and stability. It is believed to offer strength and support during times of change or upheaval. The othilla rune is also sometimes used as a sign of allegiance to one’s family or community. Whether you view it as a reminder of your roots or a talisman for personal strength, the othilla rune is a powerful symbol with a rich history.

Modern “Odal Stone” for invoking Odin’s power